Reliable Medical Transportation Driver in South Shore, Massachusetts
5 Star Assisted Transport is a company specializing in non-emergency medical transportation. Based in South Shore Massachusetts, the company caters to the elderly, people with disabilities, and other people who need medical care.
My Work Experience
Hello! I’m Rome, founder of 5 Star Assisted Transport.
I initially worked as a driver for Lyft. I've always liked the medical field, so when I heard that many people need a ride going to and from the hospital, I didn't hesitate to help. I established the company to provide a transportation that has everything people need when going to their medical appointments.
What to Expect
You can expect a safe and comfortable ride when you book me. I am experienced with working with various people, so I treat everyone with courteousness and professionalism. I value my clients' trust and ensure that I give it back by providing the best service I can offer.

Connect With Me Today
For more information about my medical transportation services, reach out to me today. I look forward to serving you!